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100_3182 * Inside the Old City Hall. * Inside the Old City Hall. * 1944 x 2592 * (1021KB)

100_3185 * Havelska Market. * Havelska Market. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.29MB)

100_3186 * Havelska Market.  Fruits, vegetables, and souvenirs for sale. * Havelska Market.  Fruits, vegetables, and souvenirs for sale. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.2MB)

100_3187 * Museum of Communism. * Museum of Communism. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.24MB)

100_3188 * Museum of Communism, which has a website. * Museum of Communism, which has a website. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.32MB)

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100_3189.JPG - 8/10/06 11:09 AM
100_3191 * Near Wenceslas Square. * Near Wenceslas Square. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.16MB)

100_3193 * Wenceslas Square.  National Museum. * Wenceslas Square.  National Museum. * 2592 x 1944 * (2.39MB)

100_3201 * Closeup of the National Museum.  The light colored plaster on the dark columns  are patches of damage from Soviet bullets during the 1968 Prague Spring uprising. * Closeup of the National Museum.  The light colored plaster on the dark columns  are patches of damage from Soviet bullets during the 1968 Prague Spring uprising. * 2592 x 1944 * (2.77MB)

100_3200 * Wenceslas Square.  Next to the National Museum is an ugly Communist building.  Now home to Radio Free Europe. * Wenceslas Square.  Next to the National Museum is an ugly Communist building.  Now home to Radio Free Europe. * 2592 x 1944 * (2.21MB)

100_3196 * Wenceslas Square.  St. Wenceslas, the good king.  Converted the nation to Christianity in the 10th century * Wenceslas Square.  St. Wenceslas, the good king.  Converted the nation to Christianity in the 10th century * 1944 x 2592 * (1.93MB)

Outside the Museum of Communism is a McDonald's and a Casino. Capitalism wins!