HOME  »  Eastern Europe, August 2006 » Prague »  Viewing 100_3185     [Image 166 of 198]  :: Jump To  
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100_3177 * Prague. * Prague. * 2592 x 1944 * (2.5MB)

100_3178 * Prague. * Prague. * 2592 x 1944 * (2.81MB)

100_3180 * The travel team.  Taking the comedy on the road to try out new material. * The travel team.  Taking the comedy on the road to try out new material. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.14MB)

100_3181 * St. Nicholas Church on the Old Town Sq. * St. Nicholas Church on the Old Town Sq. * 1944 x 2592 * (1.12MB)

100_3182 * Inside the Old City Hall. * Inside the Old City Hall. * 1944 x 2592 * (1021KB)

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100_3185.JPG - 8/10/06 9:45 AM
100_3186 * Havelska Market.  Fruits, vegetables, and souvenirs for sale. * Havelska Market.  Fruits, vegetables, and souvenirs for sale. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.2MB)

100_3187 * Museum of Communism. * Museum of Communism. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.24MB)

100_3188 * Museum of Communism, which has a website. * Museum of Communism, which has a website. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.32MB)

100_3189 * Outside the Museum of Communism is a McDonald's and a Casino.  Capitalism wins! * Outside the Museum of Communism is a McDonald's and a Casino.  Capitalism wins! * 2592 x 1944 * (1.22MB)

100_3191 * Near Wenceslas Square. * Near Wenceslas Square. * 2592 x 1944 * (1.16MB)

Havelska Market.